Susan Lee Bady, LCSW, BCD

Park Slope, Brooklyn • (718) 638-8113

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Hypnotic Inductions and Guided Meditations

Free hypnotic inductions/guided meditations to help you through the Corona Virus pandemic.

Here are three hypnotic inductions, guided meditations to help you relax and strengthen your immune system, find relief from stress and anxiety, and thus pass more easily through the coronavirus experience.

An induction is a process in which you become so deeply relaxed that you can more easily absorb positive suggestions and activate the healing powers that are within us.


Induction One

The first induction is about 15 minutes and offers relaxation, positive suggestions, and imagery to help you relax, see healing colors, and experience imagery that will enable you to feel safe and loved. and healthy.


Induction Two

The second is a shorter 8-minute induction offering relaxation and positive suggestions.


Induction Three

The third is another 15-minute hypnotic experience, to help you manage difficult feelings that may come up, exacerbated by the Coronavirus fears.


Induction Four

The fourth is a 9-minute hypnotic induction to encourage you to develop a sense of Loving Kindness towards yourself.

I will add more hypnosis in the future. I invite you to contact me to suggest other topics you might want me to include.....


Susan Lee Bady
133 Eighth Avenue, Suite 2B
Park Slope, Brooklyn, New York 11215

  • Twice President and current Board & Faculty Member, New York Society of Clinical Hypnosis.
  • Former Instructor, Psycho-Spiritual Training Course, Association of Spirituality and Psychotherapy.
  • Extensive training and experience in EMDR and Meditation.
  • Over forty-two years experience.